I was in my teens when I first started to struggle with excess hair on my chin and thighs. I didn’t know about hirsutism at the time and just assumed I was hairier than other girls. I stopped wearing shorts in the summer, because no matter what I tried, my legs just never seemed to […]
Continue readingIf a friend or a loved one tells you about their problems with excess body hair, which is also called Hirsutism, then you will probably want to learn a little more about the condition, and how best you can support them. One of the first things you can do is exactly what you have already […]
Continue readingIf you or a loved one are suffering from excess hair growth or Hirsutism, understandably you will want to look online for different ways you can help alleviate some of the symptoms of the condition. In this post, we explore if Black Cohosh could help with Hirsutism, and help you gain a thorough understanding of […]
Continue readingIf you are having problems with unwanted hair, you might be wondering how to get rid of it for good. Shaving, waxing, and depilatory creams only work for so long, but what about plucking? While results and regrowth periods vary greatly from one person to the next, plucking will usually remove a hair for anything […]
Continue readingHirsutism describes the presence of a male-pattern hair growth, meaning that there is thicker, darker hair growing in areas where men usually have more hair, such as the chin, chest, arms and legs, and the back. What is considered too much or too little body hair also often depends on the culture and ethnicity. Hirsutism […]
Continue readingI know it’s just hair, but even after 30 years on the planet and all the self-love Instagram accounts in the world, I still can’t get myself to love the coarse hair in places on my body where it doesn’t belong. I hate the way it looks, I hate the way it feels, I hate […]
Continue reading1. No one knows about the condition. Although it affects 5-10% of women, hardly anyone knows or talks about it. So many of us struggle with this hairy problem, yet it seems like everyone’s fighting their battle alone. Why is it so hard for us to talk about our excess hair? Why the embarrassment? Why […]
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