Does Black Cohosh Help with Hirsutism Symptoms?

If you or a loved one are suffering from excess hair growth or Hirsutism, understandably you will want to look online for different ways you can help alleviate some of the symptoms of the condition. In this post, we explore if Black Cohosh could help with Hirsutism, and help you gain a thorough understanding of some of the causes of Hirsutism and treatments that are available.
What Exactly Is Black Cohosh?
Black Cohosh has been used in Herbal Medicine for many years. It belongs to the buttercup family and has been long associated with treatments of muscular pain, menopause, and arthritis in traditional medicine. But does it work for Hirsutism?
What Is Hirsutism?
Hirsutism is defined as development of male pattern hair growth in a woman. Increased amount of body hair which is dark and course is found in unwanted areas such as face, chest and back.
The most common cause of hirsutism in women is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), which is a chronic hormonal condition that leads to symptoms such as weight gain, obesity, hair growth, acne, hair loss, anxiety and depression. The other reasons leading to hirsutism are androgen producing tumors which can occur in ovaries and adrenal glands, Cushing syndrome (where is an excess of the cortisol hormone), using certain medications which mimics action of testosterone, and a genetic (familial) predisposition. In some cases, there is no cause that can be identified, which is then caused “idiopathic Hirsutism”.
Hirsutism can be a very distressing problem for many women, as none of us want excessive growth of hair, especially on our faces. Women with less body and facial hair are considered more feminine in many cultures and ethnicities. Therefore many women with hirsutism can develop social anxiety or depression if the issue is not addressed properly. This is a condition which can be treated, so no one should suffer as a result of hirsutism.
Can Black Cohosh Help with Hirsutism?
Black Cohosh is a herbal remedy that may have anti-androgenic effects. For this reason, many believe that is is beneficial in helping to treat the excess hair growth of Hirsutism. However, there is no scientific evidence that suggests such an effect in Hirsutism or PCOS, and more research is needed.
Black cohosh can also lead to serious negative effects on your health, especially if you have liver disease or a clotting disorder: Do not take black cohosh if you have liver disease, or if you have a clotting disorder. Black cohosh may increase the risk of blood clots. Also, if you have any hormone-sensitive illnesses or are taking medications for your hormone such as hormonal birth control, ask your doctor first before you start taking black cohosh.
More research is needed to see if black cohosh has any effect or use in Hirsutism. But what else can you do to treat hirsutism now?
What Are the Treatments for Hirsutism?
There are many viable treatments for Hirsutism, many of which have been used for a long time, and many of which are effective for both the short and long-term treatment of excess hair growth in areas all over the body.
Physical Options for Hirsutism Treatment
There are three core treatments that are highly effective at treating some of the symptoms of Hirsutism. All of the below options will need to be handled by a qualified professional, and they will each require attendance to a number of sessions, or a course of treatments as outlined by the individual professional who is handling your procedure. Each of these options is highly effective at removing unwanted hair in almost any area of the body. Because they destroy the follicle and root of the hair, this prevents regrowth in the targeted treatment area either for a long time or in some cases, forever.
- Electrolysis
- Laser Hair Removal
Some people experience a few mild side effects from these treatments, such as irritation, redness or swelling. Another factor for consideration is that most people report that they experience a moderate to mild level of discomfort during the treatments. However, this slowly subsides as soon as the treatment is complete.
Medical Options for Hirsutism Treatment
The medical treatment options will usually include taking medications such as the birth control pill or anti-androgens in order to treat the root cause of the problem. They are not suitable for all cases of Hirsutism, as the root cause behind has to be identified first and can only be treated after, and they need to be prescribed by a medical doctor.
Self-Care for Hirsutism Treatment
Whether you need a quick and easy treatment or a low-cost way to alleviate the symptoms of excess hair growth, there are a number of ways to treat the problem at home. Waxing, shaving, plucking, and depilatory creams are used by people in their homes in order to remedy the problem. The results are instantaneous, the methods of convenient, but the effects are short-lived.
As with any treatment offered or chosen, it is important to ensure that you have ruled out any underlying causes for the excess hair growth, that could lay outside of Hirsutism. The treatment you choose needs to tackle the root cause of the issue, and your medical professional will be able to help you establish whether a condition such as PCOS could be causing the issue.
Finding the right treatment for your Hirsutism is an individual journey, and we hope this post has given you some useful information to consider as you decide which treatment for Hirsutism is right for you.