What Causes a Female Moustache?

why do i have a moustache as a woman

Everyone has hair along virtually every inch of the skin, except that in most areas of the body, this hair is short, fine, thin, and very light, so that it’s quite invisible. Men and women also differ in the amount and type of body hair they grow, with men often having longer, thicker, and darker hair especially on the legs, chest, and face.

While men usually have dark, thick hair on the face, some women might also notice long and noticeable hairs above their lips, as well as under the chin, on their neck, and on their chest. While these hairs don’t necessarily indicate a health condition that needs treatment, women are often very self-conscious about this hair and want to do whatever they can to remove it and keep it from coming back!

To understand the best way to remove a female mustache and keep it from growing back, it’s good to understand why some women grow unusually thick hair on their lip and other parts of the body. It’s also good to examine various options for hair removal, so you can best determine which is the right choice for you.

Hormones and Hair Growth

Hair growth as well as your hair’s color and its overall thickness and texture are affected by a number of factors, including genetics, exposure to sunlight, the chemicals you use on your hair, your skin’s condition, your diet and nutrition, medical conditions, and even certain medications you might be taking. However, hair is also greatly affected by the hormones produced in your body, especially estrogen and testosterone.

Testosterone, which is also called the “male” hormone, encourages thick, dark hair to grow on other areas of the body, which is why men often have thicker, darker hair on their chest, legs, and face. Note that both men and women produce testosterone, but women simply produce far less than men while also producing more estrogen, the female hormone, creating a balance in their system.

When a woman’s hormones are out of balance and she produces more testosterone than average, this can result in thicker, darker, more noticeable hair on the face and other areas of the body. A woman might have an overabundance of testosterone and less estrogen than normal due to genetics, pregnancy, menopause, medications, and medical conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS.

How to Get Rid of a Female Mustache

There are many treatment options for addressing and removing a female mustache, and it’s good to note these in detail so you choose a hair removal method that is most effective for your hair type, rate of hair growth, and skin sensitivity. Remember to see a dermatologist or your healthcare provider if you develop a rash, burning sensation, or other severe discomfort after undergoing any of these treatments.

  • Waxing is a favorite choice for many when it comes to removing facial hair, as waxing pulls hair out by the root so that it takes several days if not even weeks to grow back. Wax kits are available at virtually any beauty supply store or even a mass market retailer, so you can buy your own wax and other accessories and forego the expense of visiting a salon for needed hair removal.
  • Women can actually shave their upper lip just like men! Contrary to rumor, shaving your lip doesn’t cause the hair to grow back any thicker, darker, or fuller. However, just like men, your hair may grow back quickly, so that you might need to shave every day to keep your lip smooth and free of hair. Read our Guide to Shaving Your Face as a Woman
  • Threading is an ancient form of hair removal often practiced in Eastern countries but which has gained in popularity throughout the world. Threading involves a technician holding one end of a long piece of thread in their mouth, then twisting and spinning the other ends of the thread over the area to be treated. Hairs are caught in the thread and removed. This process can be uncomfortable and requires a specialist skilled in this practice, but it can result in hair removal that lasts for several weeks.
  • Depilatory creams will weaken the hair shaft so that it breaks, and you can wipe off the hair along with the cream. These creams can be harsh and may cause reddening or irritation of the skin, especially if applied for too long or otherwise misused.
  • If you only have a few random stray hairs along the outside of your mouth, you might simply pluck or tweeze them. Plucking and tweezing won’t bother the skin and doesn’t typically cause irritation, razor bumps, dry skin, and so on.
  • If the hair on your upper lip is fine and thin but simply darker than average, you might try a bleaching cream. Bleaching the hair on your upper lip makes it virtually invisible so it’s far less noticeable.

When to See a Doctor

Having thick and noticeable hair on your upper lip doesn’t typically indicate a health concern, but since an overabundance of facial hair can indicate that you’re producing too much testosterone, you might want to go and see your doctor about this, especially if you also have any other symptoms of hormonal imbalance such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Bloating or unexplained weight gain
  • Swelling of the glands in the neck
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Irritability and other mood disorders
  • Hair thinning and hair loss
  • Excessive hair in other areas of the body
  • Loss of libido
  • Sleep disturbances including insomnia
  • Hot flashes

It’s also good to make an appointment with your doctor if your notice that you’re suddenly experiencing excessive facial hair after beginning a new medication. You might need a different medication or adjusted dosage to ensure your hormone levels are balanced and healthy.

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