
Category Archives for "Resources"

What Causes Hirsutism?

Generally speaking, hirsutism is a condition caused by excess androgen hormones (such as testosterone) in women. This excess of androgens can have various reasons, but may also be idiopathic (no identifiable cause). Many women diagnosed with hirsutism also suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Sometimes medication, genes or other endocrine conditions cause the male pattern […]

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What Is Hirsutism?

Hirsutism is the presence male-pattern hair growth in women. Women diagnosed with hirsutism grow dark, coarse hair in places where men typically grow hair like on the upper lip, chin, stomach, back, or chest. Hirsutism is a medical condition mainly caused by heightened levels of certain hormones, primarily testosterone. It often runs in the family. […]

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