Can Women Grow Beards?

Many women do not want to have to deal with unwanted hair. However, the question of what defines unwanted hair is a great debate that has lasted for centuries, and most likely, will continue for many more to come. Is it simply to have hair free armpits, silky smooth legs or arms, and a hair free chin or chest?
Historically speaking, women who grow beards have not been socially accepted, and in some places, bearded ladies have appeared for the amusement of others in the world of entertainment. An example of one such lady is Jennifer Miller who is renowned as an American Circus entertainer and who has lived with her beard for the vast majority of her life.
However, with a growing number of women having to deal with a medical condition known as Hirsutism, or the presence of excess hair, there is a new dawn upon us, and one where more and more people are coming forward to get help for their issues with excessive facial hair growth.
Even though there is awareness being raised for Hirsutism, many women do not want to keep excess hair on their faces, and for this reason, excess hair removal treatment options such as IPL, Laser Therapy, Electrolysis, Waxing, Shaving, and Plucking are all likely treatment choices that a person who is dealing with excess facial hair might undertake.
Why Do Some Women Grow Facial Hair?
For some women, as they age, they will start to notice an increase in hair growth on the face. For most, the reason behind this excessive hair growth is related to an imbalance in their hormone levels, especially if a person has been through the menopause. The result of this process will often leave women with elevated levels of testosterone in their system, and with this being out of balance, it can cause hair growth, along with a number of other side-effects.
A hormone imbalance is probably one of the most significant causes of excess facial hair, and why women can grow beards.
The “male” hormones in a person’s body are called androgens, an example of one of these types of hormones, which you will have heard of in the past, is Testosterone. Although many people believe that it is only men who have this hormone in their bodies, women also have testosterone too; just in a much smaller amount.
When a woman has too much testosterone in her body, it can impact the regularity of the periods, it can change a person’s sex drive, and it can also cause excess hair to grow on the face and the body in places where men typically grow hair, such as the chin, chest, arms and legs, back and buttocks.
For women who did not yet go through menopause, a prime cause of a hirsutism is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Also known to many as PCOS, this may not only and not necessarily mean that there are cysts (or actually, follicles) that develop in the ovaries, but it also means problems with irregular periods, weight gain, acne, hair loss, anxiety and depression and yes, you guessed it, Hirsutism as well.
If you experience symptoms such as excess body hair, or any of the symptoms described above, make sure to check in with your doctor, so they can measure your hormone levels and understand what is going on in your body. In Hirsutism it is extremely important to understand the underlying cause of it, as it can be very serious. After identifying the cause, you can then figure out the best treatment plan together with your doctor.
Is There a Pill to Stop Facial Hair Growth?
Depending on the underlying cause of Hirsutism, there are certain types of medication which can help to control the growth of excess hair. One of them is the contraceptive pill, or also called birth control pill, which can lessen the production of androgens. Aside from this, there are also anti-androgen medications such as spironolactone. You can discuss all the treatment options with your doctor. Any of these anti-androgen medications will take between 3-6 months to show an effect, so you might want to look into faster solutions in the meantime.
Does Shaving Make Facial Hair Grow Faster?
Despite what most people are led to believe, shaving does not actually change the rate of growth, the thickness, or the color of hair on a person’s body. However, when you shave your hair anywhere on your body, it will give the hair a blunter tip which can feel stubbly or prickly for the time it takes to grow. It is likely that during this phase, your hair will perhaps appear to be thicker or darker as it is more prominent, but it is not.
What Else Can Cause Women to Grow a Beard?
Achard Thiers Syndrome, also known as Diabetic Bearded Woman Syndrome, is regarded to be a very rare condition that is most typically found in postmenopausal women. While the exact cause of this condition is not known, it is characterized by insulin resistant type 2 diabetes.
As you can see, there are many medical conditions and some medications which may cause a woman to grow a beard. If this issue has affected you or a loved one, getting help from a doctor to deal with the signs and symptoms is a great first step to take in order to tackle the issue quickly and effectively.