Hirsutism and Acne

If you have been reading up about the signs and symptoms of Hirsutism, you might now be looking for more information about any connection between excessive hair growth and acne.
In essence, both are majorly impacted by hormonal changes in a person’s body, and as such, there is always going to be some connection between the two. In this post, we explore the links between Hirsutism and Acne, and inform you about the causes, treatments, and aim to answer any questions you might have.
It’s All About the Androgens!
Repeated studies into the root cause of the problems women face with Hirsutism and Acne have found that one of the biggest commonalities relates to androgens. Because hormones can stimulate a person’s oil glands, they are prime candidates when looking into the causes of acne.
Testosterone is probably one of the most well known Androgens. However, the easiest way to think about Androgens is as a person’s sex hormones that are released by the ovaries, testes, and the adrenal glands. In terms of the development of acne, testosterone is one of the biggest players, and while many will think that only men have testosterone, it is present in women as well, just in much lower levels.
Androgens can serve to provide stimulation to the sebaceous glands, and this results in an increased in sebum, which is essentially the levels of oil in the skin. This excess oil can clog up a person’s pores, and it feeds the bacteria that is known to cause acne.
For many women, it is common to see a development of or increase in pimples or spots in the week prior to a period taking place. And the reason for this? Yes, you guessed it, HORMONES.
Other life-events that can lead to acne flare-ups include perimenopause, pregnancy, and the menopause; and this is due to the incredible shifts in the hormones that take place when these events occur.
Over the years, there has been much medical research carried out women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and the notorious links between the condition and the most notorious symptoms of which are Hirsutism and Acne.
PCOS is one of the most common conditions that impact women who are of childbearing age, it affect 5 – 10%. The most typical symptoms that people experience are an increase in weight, irregular periods, acne, and excessive hair growth, anxiety and depression.
This is one of the major reasons why people who develop Hirsutism will also have problems with acne.
Perhaps, the most challenging aspects of all is having to contend with a lower level of self-esteem, which is very typical for anyone who has their physical appearance affected in such a dramatic way.
What Can People with PCOS Do to Help Themselves?
While there is still no known cure for PCOS, there are lots of treatments available to help combat some of the side effects of the condition.
Leading a healthy lifestyle is the first and most important steps a person can take. This includes regular exercise and a good, nutritious diet. Both of these can positively impact the endocrine system; especially when dealing with side effects such as weight gain and obesity.
In many cases of PCOS, the birth control pill is prescribed as a way to combat the levels of hormones that are in a person’s body. Irrespective of whether or not a person is sexually active, the hormones delivered by the pill can provide the additional hormones that are needed in order to regulate matters effectively.
If you experience symptoms of PCOS, it is key that you discuss them with your doctor, as they can find a treatment option for you.
Treatment Options for Hirsutism and Acne
Both Hirsutism and Acne can have detrimental effects on a person’s confidence, wellbeing, and their quality of life. While each condition is highly treatable, the key is finding the right treatment to suit the individual and to ensure that the treatment works and is affordable.
We have already spoken about one of the most common causes of people who experience Hirsutism and Acne together being related to hormones. In such cases, there could be a range of medically available treatments that serve to combat the imbalance of hormones in a person.
Treating Hirsutism
Treating excessive hair growth can be combated in a number of ways. The right choice will depend on the price, the severity of the condition, and of course, the convenience of each option and its availability.
1. IPL, Laser Therapy, and Electrolysis
These are all highly effective treatments that work to remove hair on a permanent basis. All of these treatments will need to be delivered by a qualified professional in a safe and hygienic environment. The results are proven, even with the darkest and course of hairs. However, this is one of the most expensive ways to remove hair permanently.
2. At-Home Hair Removal
There are lots of options when it comes to home treatments for excessive hair growth. These include shaving, waxing, tweezing, and various depilatory creams. They are all very accessible to order online or buy from the supermarket or pharmacy. What’s more, they are very low-cost. The downside to these treatments is that they are very short-lived and need to be repeated on a regular basis.
Acne Treatment Options
Treating Acne is again, something that can be combatted in a number of ways. As we have already covered, the birth control pill can help to regular any hormonal imbalances that might be causing or accelerating the issue.
Having a solid skincare regime is imperative and making sure that your skin is cleansed and gently exfoliated on a regular basis is also important.
There is an increasing number of topical creams and serums that are readily available to buy, along with other medications and oral antibiotics that can be prescribed by a medical professional.
If you’re dealing with Hirsutism or Acne, it can be an overwhelming time. They key to getting the most effective treatment for your own situation is to find ways to combat the side-effects one at a time. It’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist, as together you can discuss and find the treatment options that may work best for you.