What Can I Do About Hair On The Back Of My Neck As A Female?
Almost every woman has some sort of hair on the back of the neck. In most cases, these hairs are fine, wispy, and pretty much follow the hairline. For some women, they can be a little more problematic. These hairs can become unruly, coarse, and irritating. For women who routinely wear their hair short, or wear their hair up in a ponytail or bun, these hairs can be very frustrating. So what can be done about the hair on the back of the neck?
If there’s only a few hairs, then a good pair of tweezers, and maybe a good friend, might be all you need. Tweezing is a quick way to pluck out one or two rogue hairs from the back of your neck. Make sure that the skin is clean, and that the pores are open. You can do this by plucking after you’ve had a bath or shower, or use a clean, warm washcloth to open the pores. Pat the area dry. Some people recommend using talcum powder on the skin to separate the hairs, and make it easier to pluck.
When you’re plucking the hair, make sure you use a quality pair of slanted tweezers, and grab the hair as close to the base as possible. You’ll need to make sure that you pull in the direction of the hair growth. Tweezing hairs against the growth can make the hair grow back very differently, or cause an ingrown hair. If you can’t tweeze the hairs by yourself, ask a friend to do this for you.
If the hairs are very close to your hair line, make sure you know exactly which hairs need to be tweezed, and which ones don’t. If you’re having a friend do this for you, you could use a makeup pencil to draw a guideline.
Some women shave the hairs from the back of the neck. This can be difficult to do by yourself, but it is possible. It would be a good idea to use a long handled razor for shaving the back of your neck. You can get manual long handled razors or electric ones. An electric razor might be easier for you to use until you get more accomplished. You could also ask a friend to help you out.
You will need to be careful to only shave the hairs you want to remove, while leaving the hair line intact. As with tweezing, you should draw a guideline with a makeup pencil for a better idea of which hairs need to be shaved.
You can wax the hairs on the back of your neck at home. It might be easier to have a friend help, as it can be difficult for you to pull the waxing strip in the right direction. Many salons are now offering hair line waxing as a treatment, so you may want to find a professional. There’s no real danger in waxing these unwanted hairs away, but there are some precautions you should take.
You can’t undergo a waxing treatment if you’ve used any kind of chemicals on your hair in the 72 hour period beforehand. This includes dyes, bleaches, or chemical straightening. Also, you can’t use any chemicals on your hair for a period of time after the treatment. This is because the skin is highly sensitive after waxing, and it may cause you to have a reaction to the chemical.
Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is a semi permanent way of removing any unwanted body hairs, including those on the back of your neck. It can be expensive, and you may need a treatment every six weeks until you see the results you want. After that, you will need at least one annual maintenance treatment to keep the hairs away.
Electrolysis is the only permanent method of hair removal. It’s expensive, and it will take more than one treatment. It needs to be done by an experienced technician, and you need to follow any aftercare instructions they give you. Most technicians will advise you to wait for a period of time before using any chemical treatments in your hair following electrolysis.
Hirsutism And Neck Hairs
In most cases, unwanted neck hairs are simply unwanted neck hairs. In some cases, these hairs can be caused by a condition called hirsutism. Hirsutism can cause excess body hair that follows a male growth pattern. You may see excess hair on the face, shoulders, lower abdomen, back, and on the back of the neck. These hairs may be darker than the usual body hair, and have a coarser texture. Many women with hirsutism find these hairs to be very embarrassing, but they can be removed by any of the hair removal methods mentioned above.
Things To Consider
There are a few things to consider before you start removing any unwanted hairs from the back of your neck. Firstly, removing hairs along the hair line can be difficult. Hair growth changes as we age, and in some cases this means that the hair along the hair line thins. Hair below the hair line may be able to make your hair line appear thicker. If you have used a permanent method of hair removal, then this hair will not grow back. If you have used any other method of hair removal, there is no guarantee that the hair will grow back, or it may not grow back as you expect.
Secondly, depilatory creams can technically be used for any kind of body hair. However, it’s often not a good idea to use them on hairs near the hair line. They can easily spread, and they may end up on hairs that you don’t want to remove.
Lastly, if you have dandruff, or sensitive skin on the scalp, then some hair removal methods may not be suitable for you. Waxing, for example, can worsen your scalp condition, and cause irritation and inflammation.