Common Questions About Hirsutism


What is Hirsutism?

Hirsutism causes excess male-pattern hair growth in women. It is commonly causes by a hormonal imbalance. Other symptoms include acne and deepening of the voice. Polycystic ovary syndrome is often an underlying condition, that can cause infertility, weight gain and other symptoms.

Which doctor should I consult for hirsutism?

Hirsutism treatment usually requires a multidisciplinary approach. Discussing your symptoms with your gynecologist is usually a good start. Besides your gyn and other physicians, you might also want to reach out to a aesthetician or laser therapist for treatment of the cosmetic symptoms. Women, who suffer from social anxiety, depression or body dysmorphia should also consult a therapist.

How can you treat hirsutism?

A lot of treatments are available to women diagnosed with hirsutism. Talk to your doctor to decide which ones are right for you. Some common treatments include anti-androgen medications, supplements and natural remedies, diet and exercise as well as cosmetic treatments.

How long does it take to heal hirsutism?

Hirsutism in itself is a condition, that is usually caused by a hormonal imbalance. Even if you have all the treatments in place, it can take up to a year to see the effect. Treatment often needs to be continued after that to maintain the effect.

What To Expect On

You can read more about his blog and its story here. The goal is to help women diagnosed with hirsutism. We want to help you:

  • Learn about the condition
  • Learn about treatment options
  • Know you are not alone

We cover various topics related to hirsutism:

  • Information on the condition
  • Information on treatment options (medical and cosmetic)
  • Natural Remedies
  • Self-care
  • Storied from and about women with hirsutism

Our founder Liz was diagnosed with hirsutism in her 20s. The diagnosis came after many years of battling the symptoms and social anxiety, that comes with them. There is a lot of information out there on the internet, but much of it doesn’t really address the needs of women with hirsutism, is impersonal and misses the point. On myHirsutism we want to:

  • Give an unbiased view
  • Share your stories
  • Focus on what makes the most difference for you

How To Use This Site

You can find our most recent and most popular content on our home page. We sometimes try and review natural remedies and products recommended for women with hirsutism. We share content on a regular basis. You can connect with us on Facebook or Pinterest to stay up to date.

To get started here’s some articles you might want to check out:

What is hirsutism?

40 Useful Facts about Hirsutism

The 12 Best Natural Supplements for Hirsutism