Does Nettle Root Help With Hirsutism Symptoms?
The stinging nettle is found almost worldwide, and is well known for the sharp sting it gives anyone who touches its leaves. It has also been used in a variety of medicines, treatments, tinctures and teas for centuries. But can nettle root help with the symptoms of hirsutism?
What Is Nettle Root?
Nettle root is the root of the stinging nettle, or Urtica dioica. The root is used in herbal medicine for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties. It is also used by some for hormonal problems.
The leaves and stems are also used in herbal medicines. It is said to have anti-inflammatory properties, but it also has antihistamine properties. Some claim that nettle leaf may be beneficial for people with seasonal allergies.
Nettles are also said to contain many nutrients such as vitamin A, C, K, and many of the B vitamins. They may also have essential amino acids and calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium as well as fatty acids, polyphenols, and pigments.
Nettle Root And Hirsutism
One of the most common symptoms of hirsutism is excess hair growth. This hair growth follows a male pattern, so it’s common to have excess facial hair, hair on the upper lip, lower abdomen, back and shoulders. This hair is usually coarser, and darker than the usual fine hair on a woman’s face.
It’s also possible for this excess hair to be accompanied by male pattern balding on the head. While these symptoms aren’t physically harmful, they can be very damaging psychologically. Other symptoms of hirsutism include oily skin, acne, and a deeper voice.
Hirsutism is often a symptom of another underlying condition. The most common cause is PCOS, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, however, it can also be caused by Cushing’s disease, tumors or as a reaction to some medications. In some cases, there is no underlying cause, which is called “idiopathic hirsutism”. It’s important to identify the underlying cause, as the treatment can then be tailored to the actual cause of the excess hair growth.
The treatment of Hirsutism depends on its underlying condition. If it’s caused by excess androgens, it can be treated for example with the birth control pill or anti-androgen medications. Your doctor will recommend what would work best in your case.
Other than medication, the excess hair growth can be handled with hair removal methods such as waxing, plucking, shaving, sugaring, depilatory creams, laser hair removal, IPL or electrolysis. These methods differ greatly in how long lasting they are, and their price point. It’s best to look into all these options and find out what works best for you.
Many women also want to know about natural options to treat Hirsutism. Can nettle root be helpful in treating the symptoms of Hirsutism?
Is Nettle Root Useful For Hirsutism?
As for Nettle Root for the treatment of Hirsutism, there has been little to no scientific evidence that supports using it for the treatment of Hirsutism. There needs to be more medical research to determine if there really is an effect of nettle root on excess hair growth of Hirsutism.
However, some people like to add nettle root powder to their shampoo for hair care, or add it to lotions for skin care. If you want to do that, make sure to buy a good quality power and discuss it with your dermatologist first.
Excess hair growth or Hirsutism is often caused by an underlying condition that should be identified first before starting with treatments. Your doctor will recommend treatment options to you based on your specific case. At this point, there is too little scientific evidence that supports using nettle root for Hirsutism, and more medical research need to be done. If you want to use nettle root powder in your shampoo or lotion, check it with your dermatologist first.