Is It Bad To Pluck Nipple Hair?
It may come as a surprise but hair around the nipples for women, even though it’s not common, is perfectly natural. Hair growth is quite often triggered during puberty. Some women, however, only notice this at a later stage, at times during their late twenties. So, what can you do about this? And more importantly, is it really bad to pluck nipple hair?
If you have hair around your nipples, don’t worry, you are not alone! Over 25% of females have nipple hair. While nipple hair is normal, there could be underlying medical reasons for the sudden growth spurt. Bear in mind that nipple hair alone is not an indication of a medical issue, but could be a symptom.
Is Nipple Hair Something To Worry About?
Typically, the growth of nipple hair is associated with hormonal changes in women. Hormonal changes may occur during puberty, pregnancy and during your late twenties or thirties. These hormonal changes are normal and usually there is nothing to worry about.
Fluctuation in Hormone Levels
It is common for your body to undergo hormonal changes during your lifetime, especially during puberty and menopause. But, at times, these changes could be the result of high levels of androgens in your body. Although, the treatment is not extensive, it is definitely not something that you should take lightly and should see a doctor.
There are various symptoms of high levels of androgens in your body, including excessive hair growth around the nipples and the chin area, irregular cycles and hair loss. Once you visit the doctor, there is a simple blood test that should reveal the hormone levels in your body.
At times, you may notice nipple hair as the side effect of certain types of medication. However, at times, nipple hair, coupled with a few other symptoms may indicate that you have PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
Should You Remove Nipple Hair?
To remove or not to remove nipple hair is completely subjective. Some women are not bothered by it and choose not to remove it. But if it makes you feel more confident, you can remove it. However, there is one thing you need to keep in mind: The skin around the nipples is very delicate and you should be careful when removing your nipple hair.
Is It Bad To Pluck Nipple Hair?
There are many methods to remove hair around your nipples. One of the most popular methods is to pluck it out. It typically takes three weeks for the hair to grow back once plucked, but it is not recommended to pluck nipple hair.
Plucking nipple hair could result in ingrown hair, which can be painful. Moreover, you also run the risk of inflamed hair follicles. Even though there are home remedies that can treat inflamed follicles and ingrown hair, it can cause severe discomfort, pain, swelling and at times fever and nausea.
So, in my opinion it is a good idea to skip the plucking and resort to other methods of hair removal:
1. Trimming
Trimming is probably one of the easiest and safest methods out there. The idea is to cut the nipple hair close to the skin so it is not noticeable. You will need tiny scissors for the job. Typically, manicure scissors should do the trick. Just hold up the hair with your finger or tweezers and cut the hair.
2. Waxing
Waxing is another effective method of removing nipple hair. You need to keep in mind that the skin around your nipples is sensitive. Therefore, it is best to leave waxing in this sensitive area to the professionals.
3. Laser Removal
While laser hair removal and electrolysis are costly, they are the safest methods of hair removal. You can speak to a specialist about these procedures and weigh your options. With laser hair removal or electrolysis, you get a permanent solution.
Hair Removal Methods to Avoid
As mentioned you should avoid plucking out nipple hair, but there are other methods that you should avoid as well. Let’s look at a few nipple hair removal methods you should probably skip:
1. Hair Removal Creams
One hair removal method you should avoid at all costs is using hair removal creams. These creams are rather abrasive in nature. Since the skin around your nipples is delicate, there are chances of an infection. Even if you are lucky enough not to get an infection, you will experience severe rashes and itchiness.
2. Shaving
Shaving is the go-to method for any type of hair removal, but should be avoided for nipple hair. Not only can you cut or bruise the delicate skin around your nipples, there is the risk of developing ingrown hair or worse, an infection. For many women without sensitive skin, shaving is still the go-to method to remove unwanted nipple hair.
Seeing a Doctor
Hair on your nipples, in fact anywhere on your body is natural. But if you suddenly notice excess hair on your body along with other symptoms, it is best to get a checkup. Commonly, excessive hair growth is associated with PCOS or excessive production of androgen in your body.
Androgen is the “male” sex hormone and a hormonal imbalance can result in excess production, resulting in excessive hair growth around the nipples and in the pubic area. Similarly, PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is treatable, but you will need to need to make a few lifestyle changes and you should see a doctor for proper treatment.
Subtle changes in the hormones around your thirties could also trigger hair growth, but it is always a good idea to discuss this with your doctor during your regular checkups just to be sure.
If you have hair around your nipple, you are not the only one and there is no reason you should worry about it. If removing the hair gives you that extra boost of confidence, go for it. But be sure to consider the delicate skin around your nipples. In case you were wondering whether it is bad to pluck nipple hair, now you know that it is indeed and you should avoid plucking.
While hair growth on your body is normal, there could be underlying medical issues that are causing this. One or two hairs are normal. But if you notice a sudden growth spurt of thick hair in different areas of your body, it is probably a good idea to see a doctor, as the hair could be indicative of some underlying condition.